
Members of ETEPAM

Members of ETEPAM can become: a) Architects, Civil Engineers, Chemists, Survey engineers etc. who hold a Master Degree in the Restoration, Preservation of Monuments (foreign or national universities recognised by the greek state) with testified relevant experience of 3 years (studies, research, application) for at least three years b) Scientists, as above, without a postgraduate degree with testified relevant experience of 3 years (studies, research, application) for at least six years. The documentation of the relevant experience is given in a CV that is given to ETEPAM. The entry of new members is approved by the General Assembly. (The founding members have the same documentation of their experience). Probationary members: (without vote) Probationary members of ETEPAM may be a) Scientists, as above, holders of a Master Degree in the Restoration, Preservation of Monuments with zero experience in the topic and b) Scientists, as above, without a master deggree with a three years of relevant experience. The entry of new members is voted by the General Assembly. Probationary members become regular members with the documentation of their involvement (with a CV submitted to the Board) under the relevant terms and conditions, as stated in the case of the Regular Members. The proposed new members are also voted by the General Assembly. Honorary Members: (without votes) The Honorable Members are nominated at the General Assembly, from which they are voted on, and are individuals who have shown distinguished work in each topic from the aforementioned. They may be Greek or foreigners who represent entities such as ICCROM etc. For any further information, members may contact the email: